How many big male Twitch streamers are attractive and stream with their shirt up and a six pack of abs showing?
How many big male Twitch streamers are attractive and stream with their shirt up and a six pack of abs showing?
Not a single Kappa, git gud or noob in there, it doesn’t seem like a real twitch chat
This offends me. We need to do better. Everyone is invited to my Twitch channel to talk about my penis.
Breaking news: men attracted to women.
They are comfortable with showing skin if they’re showing it. They are not being forced to show skin or even use the website.
Yes, teenaged boys, which is the main audience of twitch streams aimed at titilating, tend to have a hormone fueled obsession with bodyparts belonging to the other sex. That, coupled with anonimity, creates a space where aforementioned obsession is frequently referred to. I’m a bit angry that bs like this gets funding…
Forgive me if I missed something in this article or if I’m asking a question with an obvious answer, but- how many of the female streamers used in the study were “booby streamers” or whatever you call them? I’m not a big twitch user so I don’t know, but it seems like there’s a high percentage of female streamers who…
What he means is that if your webcam is 85% boobs, it’s like wearing a sign that says “boobs” on it and expect no one to ever comment on it. Kaceytron knows exactly what she’s doing.
When 85% of KaceyTrons stream is her boobs, there should be no surprise those words are common. You cant even see the game play, you just see cleavage.
Doesn’t look like anything to me.
Even in the ‘90s, anime conventions were a totally different beast than they are today. Since they were relatively obscure, you only heard of them through friends and specialty shops. People drove from half a continent away to attend something with maybe 200 attendees. It was an underground scene, still sort of…
The irony is that CNNs coverage *is* a joke. Just not in the way Trump thinks it is. CNN thinks that “balance” means having someone from ChemtrailsAreKillingUs opposite someone talking about the airline industry. Or someone whose cousin was killed by a Japanese person opposite someone talking about why Korematsu is a…
The biggest difference between console and PC is the precision in aiming. But even on PC Lucio ain’t easy to hit.
So really good gamepad vs gamepad player becomes a really good kb+m vs kb+m player. I’m not seeing how this disproves the PC elite notion that gamepads are inferior to kb+m?
So, let me get this straight. This is a write-up about a very good console Overwatch Lucio player who, when challenged to do so, switched to PC, practiced up with that same character, and (presumably taking to heart the advice of every Dark Souls comment section asshole in history) got gud.
Well Blizzard let’s start allowing PC and consoles play together. (muhahahahaha)
Hey, have whatever fantasy you want in your head/fanfic/whatever, but when you start petitioning the creators to make the ‘ship official (ala Captain America/Bucky and EVERY Overwatch character) it DOES affect me. My issue isn’t with the Shippers themselves, it’s with them trying to make it canon. Hell, this is what,…
Forcing/requiring these vydja gurm characters to hook up, make out, and fuck each other in these fans’ minds is honestly a bit unsettling to me. Kotaku reporting on it is also a bit unsettling to me.
Yeah, getting pretty tired of people ‘shipping’ every new character as gay.
Fuck I hate these fans... They are just the worst