Galaxy Claw

No questions... I just wanted to say you’ve done a great Rim-job.

6s - wireless update. No issues at all.

Do you have a social justice agenda?

Pictured: the lawyer in question

I know, no one wants a Rolex.

these trolls who have nothing better to do with their pimply faced, greasy ass hands

Like Peter Thiel’s personal life. right?

You just sound salty that you don’t have more time to play.

Not true at all. I was in at lvl 1 on a Gnome mage and was 32 an hour later.

You don’t have to tag every mob, you get credit and the group bonus just from being there.

Smash isn’t a “fighting game”.

I’M Ron Burgundy?


stop saying shiplap

I’ve never gotten a boner from seeing a midriff. Am I doing it wrong?


Why are you assuming this is all about fucking Overwatch?

Yes. You can download people’s setups in the Xim forum.

MaxShooter is nowhere near a Xim’s level of accuracy.

“of all places”
