Galaxy Claw

Smash isn’t a “fighting game”.

I’M Ron Burgundy?


stop saying shiplap

I’ve never gotten a boner from seeing a midriff. Am I doing it wrong?


“of all places”


Austin was in ECW before his Ringmaster gimmick and Whipwreck was already doing it by then.

You mean the Whippersnapper?

Absolutely. It’s my go-to album for the commute to work every day.

I take back everything bad I ever said about you, Luke.

No Turbo Duo = shit list.

Welcome to the Blizzard experience...

Neither were mini tape decks.

Well, this artist has proven they can draw the same face on multiple characters.

Posers... reporters don’t make that much. If they were rich they probably wouldn’t be working at all.

Didn’t Rich Iott already do this?

Make my words.