Galaxy Claw

I read this “news” in Hustler in the early 80s... is it currently trending or something?

“what could’ve incited the women accused of assault”

Ahhh, so the victim was asking for it?

You’re eating dirt cause you like getting dirt from the graveyard...You put gravy on it.

The fact that most people have no idea what you’re referencing here is testament as to why this should be number one on the list.

No one is going to die from pet dander, ffs.


I guess you don’t get to fucking go.

*Whipper Snapper

Why is Gordon Freeman like 20 years old?

If I shoot someone that’s about to shoot me, I still shot first.

Well, Low Tier God is fucked.

It’s almost as if we watched totally different episodes.

Looks somewhat average?

Shell-toe Adidas.

No he’s not.

“I want to see an angry Light Side user.”

Looks like Nar Shaddaa

For fun.

Looks exactly like Pandaria + Teldrassil

“No Google coders”

Guess what. Nearly EVERY programmer uses other people’s code snippets because it’s already been written.