Galaxy Claw

How come my replies never get approved? =/ is it cause im new here?

More than MOST people make in a year.

Ty;er Smith seems to have a great understanding of Neville Page's style.

I'm not white.

So basically, don't do anything if you're white, because it'll be wrong.

Got it.

Welcome, Jared!

Cool, they made Borderlands.

They should have called it WinX

Ghost in the Machine
Starscream's Brigade

Still doing better than XBONE

"Meryn fucking Trant!?"


Ironic considering all the issues she brings up in her videos are the results of the devs that are making games, not gamers themselves.

"Pumpkin spice is the name for a combination of spices used to make pumpkin taste less horrible. Complaining that a pumpkin spice latte contains no real pumpkin is like complaining that your A1 Steak Sauce latte contains no real steak."

Fucking thank you.

No doubt, I had reservations about Party Down, but he carried the show, hard.

Mere pocket change.

It's Japan, I'm sure you're up to it.

Fuck sakes. I'm gonna rock some Mitchell.