Galaxy Claw

Anime is (typically) really bad at depicting black character's facial features. They usually look like a European with dark skin or incredibly exaggerated, overtly racially stereotyped features with enormous lips and noses. There's like no accurate middle ground.

Is it ever? I love when they resort to stupid .gifs.

LMAO you are destroying this dunce.

Sorry, as good as it is, Chrono Trigger crushed it in every way.

Stop saying "Bechdel Test"!

Calm down everyone, the resident "blacksplainer" and racial-authority is here to tell everyone what they should be outraged about! Whew!

Megan can't help how she's built.

If you have to constantly throw race and racism into the title of everything, you're probably clickbaiting.

At least Jez's resident authority of all things black did her daily scan and post. The world would have probably screeched to a halt if she didn't ninja her way onto the thread.


Jumping on the Rocket Raccoon hype train...

It's the second one that's killing me...

This should have been 30 minutes of:

There are so many levels of Autism that no one can even know in this case. It can range from social awkwardness to straight up sociopathic, violent behavior.

She reported it to Tumblr, not the police. Tumblr admins are useless.

Regardless of what he's done, doxxing underage kids is really not a wise thing to do, let alone supposedly autistic ones. Best to just take it to authorities.

No one says vulva because it sounds like a car.

Yet I don't know a single person that willingly listens to her...