
Was wondering how long it would take you to get around to “butbutbut you might be pushing people away...” That’s the script for your kind of faux-progressive hand wringing. Someone makes a solid point about how privilege people need to step the fuck back and you immediately start sputtering about how some people who

What does this mean? That male interactions with women must be governed by a “rule book” written by women?

I also like that Seth Meyers has regular segments where he brings out one of his writers to comment on a topic that maybe he, as a straight white man, shouldn’t be dipping his toes into. Amber Ruffin routinely does a great job at this and I loved her going after Megyn Kelly after the whole blackface/Halloween stuff. 

I would argue, actually, that this wasn’t meant for “supporters” (whatever that means, if you think they’ll be dissuaded by imperfect speech). It was meant for women. It was meant to name the dehumanization we consistently experience but rarely name. And then it was meant for white/cis/straight/able-bodied women to

You’re splitting hairs in a way that makes no sense. Saying that misogynists consider women to be another kind of human who deserves less respect is denying us our humanity.

^THIS. And she nails that at the end of the monologue. The link is WORTH IT.

Absolutely true. Also applies to white people and racism.

Even more misleading than that. Two women raised $12,500 to donate to a charity that forgives medical debt, raising that charity’s total contribution to $1.5 million. Still awesome and something that should be applauded, but fuck that headline.

I was really hoping this lady had gotten her Cisco certification.

I did a stint in medical billing and told literally anyone that ever expressed anxiety about paying our bills about our charity care program, constantly deferred payment plans, rescheduled bills that were stuck in insurance hell to 2099, and would routinely write off anything under $5 because we were allowed to on a

Like Hackers, but with walking aids instead of roller blades!

Are you from outside the US?

Yes because medical costs here are so high - high insurance premiums, high deductibles, and high post-insurance adjusted expenses. Even with a good salary, great insurance, and lots of savings, I am TERRIFIED of getting a serious illness or injury. And for those with shitty insurance? I cannot even begin to comprehend

Yeah, totally. I thought they were young lady hackers in the headline, then when I started reading “Jones and Kenyon are 80 and 70 years old” I thought “granny supa hackers!” later on “ok, click bait”. Interesting story tough

Ok stupid question. Is medical debt something that the average American worries about? Does it depend of where you live and what employer you have? 

I was hoping it was someone that worked in insurance and had a hell of a last day.

Same here! I thought it was going to be 2 older ladies who hacked into a debt collection database and wiped out records, which would have been awesome. What they did was also awesome, but not quite as next level as geriatric hacking would have been.

I thought that too!

Same. I thought they had gone rogue in hospital billing. 

Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!