John Decker

And this is why I never buy an Apple product on launch.

@kaffeen: You are not alone, I don't understand it either.

I don't, don't, don't understand the obsessive coverage of "_______ made out of Lego". There are so many more ingenious craft projects out there.

@Dunny0: Agreed. Gasoline powered with a really crappy starter motor (which is usually electric).

Something else to learn from Zynga:

Amazing, aeroplane style retro-tastic design.....

@ElimGarak: But at least they will have a wrecked shuttle to live in (with all that Riley mess on the floor...ewww!)

@ElimGarak: Re: Fifth...We saw the shuttle tear through the top of an entire forest of trees on the way down, so we can assume there is plenty of vegetation, and water.

@ZanipoloLebron: Ah yes, but that would cost money. Stockholders hate that.

That was the episode where they travel back in time to retrieve a power cell to help some villagers keep their shield running. Great comic-relief of Ookla watching daytime TV!

So I surmise that if it grows twice as fast, it will require the same amount of food in half the time? Which would just shift the resource impact one link down the chain. Soon we will need smaller fish to grow faster so we can feed the quick growing salmon.....

This will make things so much easier for the guys who clone cards. Twice the fraud!

Harry Harrison writes some of the treasured sci-fi from my youth. His novels makes up a large chunk of the yellowed dogeared paperpacks that I will not part with.

I, for one, imagine that Ben Collins has some pretty awesome stories to tell about his time on Top Gear, and I would like him to have a chance to tell them.

It will be interesting to see how they do this. In the same way that Watson was the real storyteller in the Sherlock Holmes stories, Dirk Gently was a very mysterious fellow, and most of the story was told through his clients. If they got a good character actor to play Dirk, it could be a great anthology series with

From the FAQ:

I love that DJ Liquid Sex Drive is now a hash tag on io9.