Galactic Yo-Yo

Agreed! I've always loved the way that album ends for that exact reason. It's easy to fade an album out or go out with a bang, but both We Were Dead and Moon and Antarctica end with songs that feel like statements of purpose. It's a harder trick to pull off, but it's very effective when done right.

But the difference is negligible!

$500k an episode? My friend, Bob Sacamano, he can get you episodes of Seinfeld for five bucks a pop.

Yeah, it's not like it's hard to watch Seinfeld on TV. I will say, though, of all the syndicated shows that are way too overplayed on basic cable, Seinfeld is the one where I'm most likely to want to watch a specific episode.

For all those people who watched Once More With Feeling and thought, "Yeah, this is pretty good, but why isn't she rapping?"

This mirrored my own childhood pretty closely. Although I was very much on board with Tolkien, discovering Adams was revelatory, and Pratchett afterwards was even more so. I feel like most of my interest in stories about stories comes from him.

It was a comparison that was pretty valid when the first couple of Discworld books came out, and so it stuck even after Pratchett's stronger storytelling abilities put them in different categories.

This one is definitely the most 30 Rock of the lot, I think.

This is more fun if you imagine a studio audience reading each answer when they're all revealed.

Yeah, I find that when I actually try and anticipate people being awful, it blows up in my face.

He was okay, but I loved his little speech about legos.

I'm really loving this show so far (I'm ten episodes in right now) but it does make me cringe on occasion when it does racial humor. The show is funny enough, though, that the awkwardness isn't a dealbreaker.

Yeah, adding all the mystical stuff just seemed like a bad choice for a book that was explicitly ABOUT scientific progress.

I'd say that Icky Thump is the better record overall (and certainly the one I listen to more often), but the successes of GBMS are more intesting than anything on Icky Thump.

Oh, it was always like this. I've seen clippings from back in the day of people writing into newspapers saying the whole thing had gone downhill once Troughton had come on board. Also, apparently at one point there was an idea that, if you liked the Third Doctor, you had to hate the Seventh Doctor and vice versa. And

This is actually the weirdest thing about Boyhood. Imagine winning an Oscar based partially on a performance that you gave a decade ago. It's like, "Well, this is great, but I could've used this before I was doing Medium."

Yeah, this smells like Law and Order: Trial by Jury all over.

The whole "franchise fans who seem to hate the franchise" is an interesting phenomenon. I feel like Doctor Who is the ultimate example of this, because it's a franchise built on completely reworking itself every few years. So fans are constantly disappointed that it isn't being the show it was when they started

Really? I feel like it's always obvious to tell a real band on a cartoon show from a fake one, because the real ones' character designs are always much more specific, for obvious reasons.

Okay, this actually made me like that video a whole lot more.