
I don’t think you understand how Pokemon Go works. They don’t spawn in one spot. It’s best to walk around.

It is TERRIBLE. I mean there are plenty of times where I went out to catch pokemon just to find out that the servers won’t let me in. You know how TERRIBLE that feels?

Have you been on Youtube recently? All these “Pranksters” deserve the shit they get.

Same! But then I find myself purchasing new parts every 2-4 years because hardware breakdowns or simply new games are too much for the old thing!

Way to miss the point. He meant to say that if this happened to a normal person, it would be bullshit because it cost a lot financially to move to another place.

If it was planned on a console, it wouldn’t look and play anything like Pokemon X and Y...that’s the point.

i mean you can just head onto “browse channels” which sorts them by view, and you won’t find any boobie stream until you hit rock bottom.

Exactly. Infact, I can run Minecraft better with shaders. The animations on the demo feels lifeless.

2-4 versions of the same character...

because it makes it look more artistic :). Kidding aside, he’s probably hiding the fact that the text is garbage on it.

You couldn’t have been any more ignorant.

It wouldn’t cost a dime if you don’t care about skins.

Okay, the game got a patch last week. That doesn’t change the fact that it takes 3+ months for a single balance patch. Heroes aren’t even fully ported from Dota 1 yet. That is insanely slow.

Let’s be honest here, they aren’t just in bikinis. The game is made with fanservice in mind 100%.

“to choose sides by telling one of the two women to, in essence, knock it off.”

Omg, impractical clothing in a video game! That’s just dumb!

Didn’t it start with cookie clicker?

Good luck with that, we still don’t have all the heroes ported to Dota 2 yet. And that’s their biggest earner.

I played during closed beta and I noticed that it took way too many elements from LoL. The items were just reskins with a different name, the map was just dominion.

3 LoL articles in the front page...I thought this was a general gaming blog not a LoL one.