
"We're all…in a world…of shit."

There was one, a made for TV trainwreck starring Mark Blankfield.

Carter? That got by me. Loved that character.

I remember an interview with Sparks back in the 80's where the interviewer (Richard Blade I think) asked Russell Mael how Jane came to be on the "Cool Places" song. "I slept with her," he replied.

Geez, who didn't do that?

She let the cream sit out too long?

"All Over The Place" was my favorite album for a while. The Go-Go's were right there with them though.

It's not the size, mate.

Can't argue with that.

They're peeps. They're people.  They're Peeples!

Were you not entertained?

Were you not entertained?

At least she's reaching her sixth month of sobriety.

At least she's reaching her sixth month of sobriety.

Could get bloody too.

Could get bloody too.

New game: Who Said It, Glenn Danzig or a junior high school student?

New game: Who Said It, Glenn Danzig or a junior high school student?

"It's called 'September 11, 200-FUN!'"

"It's called 'September 11, 200-FUN!'"