
Hi, I’m also a white lady. It’s no one’s responsibility, in these incredibly difficult and important times, to “take time” and tell you, an incredibly privileged person, how you are seen by people of color. You do not get extra credit for doing what we should all already be doing.

Imho we need to just keep it moving and keep organizing ourselves, building movements and networks and uplifting leaders who will carry us into the next era. Fuck them bitter old reactionary fogies.

Jesus, dude, how thick are you? Suits and suites are not the same word. And you’d have to be really dumb to think I thought people got out of their clothes to stand up for the anthem, so, yeah, good one boyo. a 3 piece suite is a set of 3 pieces of furniture, typically a sofa and two chairs but not always

Not just the assholes booing at the arenas - there are also tons more assholes who watch these games at home, and spend the anthem writing shitty FB posts about how disrespectful the players are being towards the flag!!! Even though they couldn’t be bothered to heave their cottage cheese asses out of their 3 piece

Reading this at first made me feel so tired.

There is nothing to be added to this. Excellent.

I kind of expected the article to be blank when I clicked the headline. It’s not but comes to the same conclusion. I was poor as a kid and for a long time we couldn’t afford the glasses I needed. Badly needed,i couldn’t see more than two feet away from my face. I got some eventually, probably through some charity that


Another Texas veteran gets it too:

So would you rather have a semi-clueless ally or a fully clueless neutral/enemy?

I suppose I could choose bandages in my white people flesh color, but what would anyone want to do that for when they can buy Incredible Hulk ones instead?

all hat, no cattle

Boucher set off some red flags beforehand when he asked for “Coffee, but white.”

Did anyone let the coal miners know about these jobs? I know they really wanted American jobs back.

Exactly. This is one reason I’m so perplexed as to why 83% of black Americans identify as Christians when Christianity was forced upon their ancestors by slave owners.

Not to mention that there is no evidence that this person ever existed, and there are enough obviously factually incorrect and contradictory things in the bible to conclude that one should not take it seriously.

Maybe it’s because I’m Jewish, but this just sounds like plain old Christianity rather than a particular group’s version.

My fellow Italian-Americans - this is not a thing. Stop it. I honestly forgot that Columbus was Italian and considering that he was a PoS human being, I am ok with forgetting about him. Let it go.

Fuck this shit. I’m a full-blooded member of the goomba fambily (tm C. Manzo), and I can assure you that 99.9% of Italian-Americans haven’t a clue nor a care about what Columbus & co brought upon Native Americans. Seriously, it’s ridiculous to whine about this when I guarantee you most of them did not know the statue

I’m gonna keep beating my drum on this, but “all black” schools are not a problem because the students look the same and use the same comb. It’s really not a problem when the staff is black.