Been there, done that, didn't die.

Did they add house cat genes to it?

I find the funniest part of this is just how much lower he is than his wife in their relationship. He is so whipped that he willingly committed a crime on live national tv over an extremely tame joke that he thought was funny.

Wrong. They are still fig newtons if you buy the fig variety. They are strawberry newtons if you buy the strawberry.

Once I became an adult and had to start paying for myself I quickly realized that I don’t need to buy food at games (concerts, etc).

Good luck getting a charge to stick against a woman who kicks a sexual predator who was in the act. Not gonna happen.

How does that rate compare to the rate of murder in the general population? Without including that data its just irrelevant clickbait.

I’m not trying to blame her here, but at a certain point you need to step up and do something and not just watch. Pretty easy to stand up and kick him  really hard in the dick.

Very easy to back up my claim. Try them. Use tiktok, and then youtube, Which is inferior?

More like I dont understand why people like these objectively inferior versions of already existing programs.

He is a genius in the same way that trump is.

It doesnt make sense to me, as someone who runs multiple ebay stores for companies and used to be a car salesman. I have quite a bit of experience in online sales, and my decades of auction experience is telling me that bat is full of money laundering and other scams.

Still makes no sense. You can buy almost every car in this slideshow for much much less elsewhere. For the unique one-off cars like that stupid pink car in the picture it makes sense, but for the others it doesnt. And the fact that a car is older doesnt mean you should pay 20k more on bat for the same car than you

I dont really understand the prices on bat. Too many of them just dont make any sense, which makes me feel like its being used for money laundering more than actual car selling.

I was really hoping that religions would fade out and become a fringe thing as the internet became a thing and exposed them for the grifting cults they are. Unfortunately the religious people are too stupid to understand the truth, so instead they went even deeper down the well of insanity.

The egg cartons literally have the size of the eggs printed on them. 

Every article on the Takeout thats writen by a waiter is just ridiculous garbage. Yes, we will continue to have the waiter split the order. No I  will not tip 30%.

I dont understand why anyone even uses instagram/tiktok. Both are just terrible platforms. Tiktok is just a super shitty version of youtube and has zero reason to exist. Instagram is ok to show pics, but crap at everything else. Its basically just facebook without any sense of community at all. And way way too much

3rd: I would choose the car with the worst rating for seatbelt reminders. If I choose to not wear a seatbelt, thats my choice and I dont want to be hassled about it.

Idiots. Thats who.

Air fryer is NOT quicker than a toaster. Toaster ovens do not make toast as good and are slower. Microwaves make hot pockets exactly as they are meant to  be, the sleeves work well. This whole article makes the author look like a moron.