Been there, done that, didn't die.

I am 40 and have never seen or even heard of 85 octane before this article.

There would be no shortage of contestants if something like the squid games was real.

Cops fucked up here. There was clear and obvious intent corroborated by multiple witnesses.

Shang-Chi is a better movie (according to most people), and was released after most people had gotten their vaccine.

If they had released it the way she wanted it would have made the same box office, just without the extra 150million streaming dollars. The people who paid for streaming did so because they did not want to go to a theater. And since Disney was paying her the same % for streaming revenue, she actually made more than

Save money by ordering your postage online through paypal, pirateship or any number of companies that will let you access the commercial rates.

When I was a kid in the 80s my mom had a 65 plymouth with a 6cyl, probably a valiant. It was only reliable due to getting constant work to keep it running good. It was not very good in the rain or mud, we dont get snow or salted roads here. It was not really great at anything, but it was capable enough to be a daily

I managed an El Monte RV rental location for a few years. They break a lot, mostly because there is just soo many more things that can go wrong compared to a car. It’s usually little things like a loose bolt on a plumbing fixture, or a window latch breaking.

They are the #1 cable channel for women viewers. And the #1 overall during winter. Women love the hallmark channel, and not just the horrible women in the horrible states. But yeah, your description is accurate. Lots of romantic “comedies”, holiday movies, religious themed movies, and women focused movies.

Just because gold can be eaten does not mean it is healthy to do so.

Im getting my last 2 bottom molars removed in a few weeks. At least for a while there wont be implants, which will make chewing tougher. But not being in pain every day and not having a mouth that reeks of rot is worth not being able to eat steak.

Do a google image search on Jimmy Saville if you dont know what he looks like. He is basically the stereotype for a serial killer/child molester.

I like my candy to melt and not require any chewing. Reeses wins.

Read all the sandman stuff about 20 years ago. Loved it at the time. Cant remember a thing about it anymore though.

As someone not familiar with the source material this intro does not really get me interested.

Last place I lived was a condo complex with 4 speed bumps before you could park. I hated them with a passion. But did not have the tools to do anything about it.

You spelled Aluminum wrong in the title.

In the case of fast food it would more than double the cost if you are just buying one meal.I completely agree with you. It makes no sense at all that these delivery services are so popular.

Some people love them and some people hate them. There doesnt seem to be much middle ground when it comes to in n out fries. I think they are great, especially if you ask for extra crispy.

I liked their old fries, and they were always cooked just right at the wendys I would normally go to.