Been there, done that, didn't die.

That is ugly and stupid looking.

The worst episode of the series.

I was talking about Speedy just yesterday, with a Mexican-American coworker. We came to the conclusion that he is (or was) vaguely racist, but it didnt matter because he was cool. She is a big fan.

Because he is a hypocritical asshole.

My roommate watches this show. The values they assign to stuff is ridiculously high. If you believe the show is real, then they are literally paying more for the stuff than you would pay on ebay, sometimes double or triple the amount. And they plan on reselling it at even higher prices.

How the fuck did your stupidly wrong comment get 60 likes? What the hell is wrong with commenters on kinja? Is it just a complete lack of reading comprehension? Do they see someone being performatively woke and just immediately start clicking the star?

Are you stupid or just dumb? You clearly have no reading comprehension if you thought anything I wrote was trumplike.

There was no fat shaming in this thread. All there was is an idiot who wants to prove how woke he is by accusing others of something they didnt do.

Old people in general tend to smell bad, not just old white males. I was replying to the comment with the tweet which specifically referenced poors, blacks, fats and immigrants. But there are other people who tend to smell too. Young children have a high likelihood of smelling bad also (soo many poop filled diapers) ,

The truth sucks.

I did none of those things, but I am glad you found something to be fake outraged by.

Let me assure you that there are plenty of blacks, poors, immigrants and fatties who don’t wash nearly as much as they should.

I would have expected this type of toy to get more interesting and advanced as time goes on. Instead they seem to have regressed and become more basic and cheaper. Instead of teddy ruxpin and care bears kids now get featureless blobs.

It would take less than 5 seconds to cut that off with scissors. And plane evacuations are extremely rare.

Honey is fine to put on minor cuts. It will have very similar results to an antibiotic ointment. But it also makes a mess and attracts insects which is not something most people want.

Tape seems like a safe way to secure someone without injuring them. And the male flight attendant did a great job there controlling his arms.

I like prowlers, and I sortve like the wrap on this one. The wheels look pretty decent, and the lack of front bumpers looks great.

You don’t need to do market research to know that people are not going to pay 7500 for a fancy scooter.

The price is what did it in. Plenty of people would have bought one if it was $1000 instead of $5000 (about 7500 today).

Nothing you said has anything to do with gender. Not bothering to negotiate has nothing to do with gender unless they refused to negotiate because she is a woman.