I like prowlers, and I sortve like the wrap on this one. The wheels look pretty decent, and the lack of front bumpers looks great.
I like prowlers, and I sortve like the wrap on this one. The wheels look pretty decent, and the lack of front bumpers looks great.
You don’t need to do market research to know that people are not going to pay 7500 for a fancy scooter.
The price is what did it in. Plenty of people would have bought one if it was $1000 instead of $5000 (about 7500 today).
Nothing you said has anything to do with gender. Not bothering to negotiate has nothing to do with gender unless they refused to negotiate because she is a woman.
Liberals like electric cars so republicans decided en masse to hate on them. Its really that simple.
There was absolutely nothing related to her gender in Disneys response. These groups set their agenda back when they make statements like that.
Yes, like I said you should be keeping children masked and away from magats until you can get them vaxxed.
I live in the bay area, california. One of the more expensive areas in the country for cars. I just did a 1 minute check of craigslist cars under 3000 and found multiple that are way better than this shit saturn. 96 Infiniti i30, 180k, 5spd, $2000 — 2004 Jaguar S Type, 106k, salv title, $2300 — 1993 Honda Accord…
These are garbage cars is why it isnt selling. The people in the comments who are proclaiming this to be a good deal have never actually driven one. Its uncomfortable to sit in and not good to drive.
I think its overpriced. These were selling for less than this 10 years ago.
My gf and I had an Alfa 164 for a couple of years. Even after 2 years of having it I still needed to search for the right button.
I meant a comparison on the Bentley. The Mustang is a much much much lighter car and any weight loss on it will be dramatically more noticeable.
I would prefer it if he left immediately. No need to let him ruin another season and more specials.
I would be interested in seeing an actual performance comparison between these and the stock wheels. I am unsure that they are able to provide any meaningful difference. They look cook though, and if you can afford a new bentley then you can afford the cool wheels too.
Moderna and Pfizer.
Get them vaxxed and keep them away from magats.
I am a big MCU fanboy. I though Black Widow was one of the least interesting MCU movies. It would have made for a great tv show, but as a movie it was just ok. It didnt have the spectacle of the others, and was about a character whose future we already know. And there was very little “superhero” stuff.
Let them die already. Yeah, a few vaccinated people, and a few who are medically unable to get vaccinated will also die. But so will hundreds of thousands of republican nutjobs. Its worth the sacrifice. The mass death of hundreds of thousands of magats is only going to make this country, and the entire world, a much…
So now its a bad thing to have women writing for female characters?
I really like these cars. They look great, are very comfortable, and are nice to drive. If it was actually in mint condition and just not running then its probably a good deal. But its not in mint condition, just average, so there is nothing super appealing about it.