The Suburban is a huge wasteful piece of shit. Enjoy getting 8mpg while not being able to keep up with traffic.
The Suburban is a huge wasteful piece of shit. Enjoy getting 8mpg while not being able to keep up with traffic.
Yes they can, but considering how few of these will sell its unlikely anyone would bother. You need a large pool of customers to buy your reprogramming kit or it isn’t worthwhile.
Thats a cheap price for an infrastructure project, and it was completed really quickly too. If it can move the same amount of people as a street, thats going to be good for Vegas traffic, and for the sidewalks which get ridiculously packed. And Vegas is not a good place to be walking outdoors, so more options to get…
I think that most older guys who are interested in young women are interested because of their looks, not because they are secretely pedophiles.
Just because people don’t think you are worth paying much, does not mean its like that for everyone. Your anecdotal experiences do not match reality.
I like it. Looks like a fun car. The work it needs seems pretty minimal. Price is good. Great starting point to customize it to your liking.
I have worked in different positions in restaurants for years, including as a waiter. I had no training, skills, or prior history for my first restaurant job and had no problems. So yeah, literally anyone can do it. Being a waiter is a great job for high school dropouts or people with no discernible skills. The vast…
ok, I can concede that it is technically possible to make 1.45 an hour. And it is likely very common that a driver will have an hour here and there where they only make 1.45. But the linked article is trying to say that people walk away with 1.45 an hour average over the course of their time working for the food…
Its a declining percentage of waitstaff that make less than minimum wage. The vast majority make at least federal minimum wage (7.25), if not more.
If you are going to lie, it should at least be plausible. When you say stuff like Door Dashers only make 1.45 an hour, something that is obviously false to anyone with a functional brain, it doesn’t help your end goal of getting them more pay because people just assume you are a liar.
As long as you are not fat then you can do it. It is quite easy and not something that requires a unique body type.
If you are not obese its quite easy to get your hands in front of you when cuffed and sitting down. Takes about 5 seconds at most. Arms down, legs up. I have never tried but I don’t think it would be too hard to drive while cuffed.
I saw one horrible ad for this show. It was on my phone, and I didnt even realize the actor was a female. I just thought the lead was a shitty actor with an awkward stilted voice and delivery, but being a female could explain it too.
I was the same. They wanted nothing to do with me, and I wanted nothing to do with them.
Driving a car without a windshield really sucks. Even with a helmet its going to be worse to drive than one with a windshield.
Yep, there are going to be lots of things coming out over the next few years.
Around here (norcal) all the 711s and many other convenience stores do not let anyone use their bathrooms. Fast food places and grocery stores and parks are pretty much the only places with public restrooms. But not too many of those in residential areas.
Sure, but this entire article is about the pissing in bottles not about them treating their staff badly. Thats another article entirely. And not something unique to Amazon, they just happen to be one of the biggest employers.
Whatever gaetz did was bad enough that barr wouldnt kill or hide the investigation. Which means its likely much much worse than what we have heard so far.