When I was a kid I would cup those little diner creams in my hand, hold my hand with the hidden creamer in it up to my eye and stab it with a fork to squirt cream everywhere.
When I was a kid I would cup those little diner creams in my hand, hold my hand with the hidden creamer in it up to my eye and stab it with a fork to squirt cream everywhere.
I find these to be very comfortable. But they handle poorly, are slow, get poor mileage, are not reliable, and are horribly ugly. And in my area, driving an 80s thunderbird will get you pulled over by racist cops thinking you are Mexican.
BS. Its a rustbucket piece of crap.
Most of it is garbage. But he has a few songs that are great.
Tuna is not that expensive. But neither is chicken and subway uses soy instead. Ham, salami and bologna are all quite cheap, but subway uses turkey with pork flavoring.
Im not interested in garlic onion ice cream, but I do like the idea of adding cream cheese. I have a decent countertop ice cream maker, and i am going to try adding some cream cheese next time.
I was on hwy1 once and was almost hit by 2 massive boulders that rolled into the road. Both missed me by a few feet. Either one would have sent my car flying, they were a good 5ft diameter.
That car is too fast to be sold to the general public. You should be required to take special classes at a track before purchasing a car that has too much power.
The lawsuit saying zero fish at all is a bit odd. I would have expected a cheaper fish mixed with soy. But I still find it more likely that there is no fish versus it being real tuna. I could be wrong, and subway could actually have one meat that is what it claims to be.
No, they did not destroy the lab results. Alcoholic Synonymous is just a subway fanboy.
Subway was previously accused of using huge amounts of soy in their “chicken”. Subway sued...and LOST.
Nope. The 45% number you reference for nuggets is for the % of chicken meat, not for the % of chicken. Sounds the same but isnt. Nuggets also use chicken skin, fat, blood vessels, and ground bone as filler so their percentage of chicken is much higher than 45%
I find the idea of polygamy odd and unappealing. Dealing with one wife is hard enough, having multiple would add too much chaos. Even if it was true love, not some cult sex/control thing, it still seems like a horrible idea to me.
I learned early to only go to mechanics who would let me bring in my own parts. If they refused its because they overcharge for parts to make extra profits. The mechanics that had no problem with it were always honest with me, quick, and closer to the bottom end of the hourly rates.
I had written a list of names that sucked with search engines, but erased it before posting to keep my post simple. The Band was on that list. Along with the Chicks, the Who, Tool, and a few others I am now too stoned to remember.
It makes it easier for search engines to correctly id the band you are looking for when they have a stupid name like that.
Is she doing anything illegal, or even shady? No. Maybe in the future she might have a conflict of interest, but until then who cares.
This is a great idea. And will likely help in other ways too. A lot of new Corvette buyers are not going to have experience with that type of power, so giving them a little time to get used to the car before having full power could help prevent some crashes too.
Costco churros are ok. More quantity over quality though.
Unfortunately it seem likely they will settle for a public apology. I would like to see them take everything he owns, but that is unlikely.