Been there, done that, didn't die.

For all women, lesbian or straight, if you want to have sex with a guy just ask him. You don’t have to take him out to dinner, don’t have to go on 3 dates first, don’t even have to know him very well. Just ask him if he wants to have sex, and the answer will almost always be yes.

1) The vast majority of the info they get will be incorrect. 

Harley has encouraged it and tried to portray themselves as a friend of trump. You reap what you sow. 

As an American who doesn’t speak or read the language, how would you recommend going about trying to see what bike shops in Taiwan have in stock?

They fired him for outsourcing his work. That is a reason, and a valid one.

There are more guns than people in this country. Every year there are more than 10 BILLION bullets made in the USA alone. Its a bit late for abolishing them.

Check out Bikeinn. They are in Europe, but even with shipping they are cheaper than Amazon for most items. They do have 26 tires in stock because I just bought some.

Most high end e-bikes do not have a throttle, they are pedal assist only. You still have to work, you just go faster and farther for the same amount of work. For an actual mountain bike, electric is the only way to go. I highly recommend you try one with a mid-drive motor when you get a chance.

My opinion as a semi-professional ebayer of 10+ years - China sells pretty well and for decent money, depending on age and rarity of course. Individual pieces do sell to people completing sets, and a complete set with no broken or chipped pieces can be worth a lot. Especially a 12 person set from the 50s. The problems

I stopped driving and switched to E-Bikes. I have an electric cargo bike for groceries, or whatever. Can easily hold 4 bags of heavy groceries. I have a trail bike for my commute, about 3 miles each way. It is actually 2 minutes quicker on the bike than it is to drive. And I have a high end electric mountain bike for

You are a moron. 

When I was still a teenager, I lived in my car for about 6 months. It was better than sleeping outside, but it really sucks. Especially for me since I am extremely tall and it was an early 80s Honda Prelude. It took me a while to find safe places to park at night where I wouldn’t be harassed by cops, ended up on a

Arnolds scenes in Terminator Dark Fate were great. He is a capable actor, not just a body. 

She is the problem. Instead of kicking out people for not wearing masks, she is allowing them to use fake excuses and shifting the blame to responsible customers.

There is only around 30 gas stations in San Francisco. An extremely low number for the population, compared to other cities. Its near impossible to open a gas station there because of environmental laws, and not worth it financially due to the cost of land and building, so new ones do not get built.

I got in trouble in 2nd grade for refusing to pledge allegiance. Teacher got pissed, principal didn’t care though.  At 7 years old I was smart enough to realize that worshiping a flag was stupid.

If they are unwilling to wear masks, why would you think they are willing to follow any other health codes? Guaranteed this place has a filthy kitchen with a bunch of unwashed hands touching your food. 

There are plenty of roads you can safely cruise at 95mph. And they tend to be very long stretches with no scenery, perfect for cruise control.

Your formatting for lists sucks ass.

Go back to your bootlicking. Your opinions are not welcome anywhere. You are unwanted by the world. Women look at you and see you for the ugly fat piece of shit you are. Men look at you and laugh at what a cuck you are. You are nothing and you know it. Just intelligent enough to know you are a waste with no chance of