Gabriel San Miguel

Im ok with it, and im still giving it a chance, this season is a real departure from the others.

What I really would love to see i a season is a front half with his most iconic villians comming together, The Rogues, and the back half of him fighting them. I know its not really all that possible since the big 2 are

When w3 Meet Again?

Either that or ol Deadpool realized that this was the easist way to undermine Thanos and gain Death’s favor.

Maybe it was supposed to be Castle, but there was a “convenient” mixup.

All objects are potentially harzadous, it depends on its context.

I mean, im potentially the saviour of mankind... under the right circumstances

Notice that its the genuinely GOOD songs that make these work.

Im wondering if maybe the green is going to be chroma-keyed to have some kind of maybe constantly moving red sparkly effect?

Surely they wont make the outfit green and black, the red is a paramount to that particular costume, thats like making the first Capt America suit Green white and blue..

Now playing

It cant be just me that, when seeing a snippet of a video like this, immediately gets the first bars of Danger Zone stuck in his head

“Oh come on whats the worst that can happen?”

This might be a question in bad taste, but is it me or does Boseman appear to have Vitiligo?

Ive never noticed it until this interview. (I have a weird thing where i look at what people do with their hands during interviews... )

Honestly, I think, these types of leaks have minimal effect on DVD sales, namely for the following reasons.

1) People that buy dvd’s to watch movies generally dont have access to or know how to download and pirate movies.
2) People that buy dvd’s today, do so because tehy want the physical disk and the extras that come

Few years ago, its actually a pretty decent movie that brings the series full circle.

At least get her to test drive the Stinger.
I always find it odd that everyone will think something is terrble without even trying it.

hey now, you leave Sherbatsky out of this ^_-


I am happy to see Valor get his red costume though

Even if he was the worst author ever, between his book sales and popularity he is a fixture in American literature.

No matter how you try to slice it this is a great loss.

I always wondered how well a RWD Forte Koup would have sold, and am even more curious now with these power upgrades

I always wanted to see someone with “light-tonfas”

Yes, so much yes to this.

Go balls out, a time and space thriller where she jumps throughout all the current phases of the MCU as a spy/assassin setting up plot points and answering any lingering plot holes!

But seriously, an origin story while really late in the game would probably do better than a solo piece as part of p4+.

why do you play with my heart like that :(