Gabiatche rides 2CVs and DSs for a Livin'

that generation of Espace was much safer for sure, but man was it horrendous in terms of fuel economy and reliability compared to the previous generations. Before this one, they were built with fiberglass bodyworks and about as light as a compact hatchback. when they switched to a more classical bodywork the weight

you’d be surprised how good they are off-road tho...

While I think that full coverage of wireless charging roads is something that would be quite difficult even in the long run, we could definitly have highways with at least one charging lane for long trips, which would be cheaper, faster and easier to make than a full cover network.

Hate vote CP on a quirky french car with that lovely hydropneumatic suspension, but this one is what we french people call a “cage a poules” or hen’s pen. Given the state of the bodywork you will almost certainly have a rotten underbody, and since the car has been sitting for a long time, you would have to change

we’ve got both...

in the real world our diesel options are returning something closer to 40/50 mpg with the diesels, so yes diesel is cheaper compared to gas in most of europe but you still get the gas much cheaper than us...

I wouldn’t necessary say much better drivers... germans are more of the exception than the rule...

yu^, no one here is going to press the clutch before starting, although it’s actually a good idea because i’ve seen too many cars jumping forward or backward because the car was left in gear for whatever reason...

Rolls Royces have some good looking chrome wheels from the factory:

And what if you butter both sides of the toast? will it levitate and rotate ad infinitum ? Unlimited power generation! Toast powered cars!

you, sir, deserve more stars...

I know the market for these cars is pretty conservative, but c’mon, they really could use a bit of creativity in terms of design...

had the same happening to me, but first thing i did after the oil/filter change was turning on the engine and visual check. it started spewing oil all over the place so I knew something was wrong... on the other end, let’s talk about that time when I forgot to put back the oil cap and drove about 160 miles of highway

Peugeot is known to make good handling cars and the 306 was no exception, using rear wheel steering under load, which is pretty good but after many miles tends to wear some of the transversal link bearings to the point where the rear wheels looks like a stanced car with “MAD CAMBER YO”, so changing the whole rear

The car was almost certainly stolen, ghettocrossed for a bit and then dumped in a particular way, to say the least. Quite dangerous tho as i’m under the impression that there was someone on the elevator stairs on the right... I hope they won’t inspire other idiots to do so...

Sure, airbags and crumple zones are made on purpose no?

Just got overtaken by one of these on the Autobahn, it went something like this: 120Km/H posted limit, everybody respects it, move along nothing to see here. Then, we pass then “unlimited speed” sign, and the random black merc that was gently cruising along side you just drops one or two gears and dusts you off with a

Parisian here: it does indeed happen here, i don’t think any large city public transportation system doesn’t have some weirdos here and there.

Standard procedure in most of europe’s larger cities would be to pull aside the car you think is about to leave, ask them if they’re about to move, they will generally tell you if they are waiting for someone to leave the spot or if they are going to leave in a few minutes or not, so you don’t have to wait like an