Can't recommend Duluth Trading for this kind of stuff enough.
I make Costco runs maybe once every couple months, where I make grocery runs once every week or two. For me, they're relatively close by, but I imagine for most people it's quite the drive to go store hopping.
Well it's got more character than either a bespoke BMW Moron or a turbo Japanese Moron.
It's OK. Acura will come out with a slightly modified NSX press kit next year, and they'll swear up and down it's the final version but it isn't and they'll continue releasing slightly modified NSX press kits for the next few years.
Be still, my heart! I'm way overly excited!!
Fuck ethanol.
So that's how homophobes argue today, interesting. By the way, FU
God damn, Heat is so good.
this must be a great selling point
just needs "WWOOOOOOOOO"
Something, anything from Group B