
Do sponsored headlines that have nothing to do with the article need to be labeled as such?

Coke paid for theirs.

They suck because you see the entire scene in half second clips. Look at movies like Bullitt or the Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan movies. They have an action scene that lasts several minutes thats not just split second clips of action that they are trying to piece it together.

Wonder if they will get a couple bodies that are donated for science they could try it on. Another idea would be to have the remains at a body farm that they could enclose, although that would be a really big mason jar.

Knock it off California, I am tired of paying $2 for a head of lettuce.

Yea, looking back its a pretty timeless show, aside from no cell phones, everything seems to stand up really well.

My wife just finished all 7 seasons of Buffy, needless to say, I did too.

Enjoy some of that nice Michigan rust too.

Maybe they should clean that up someday.

Or, do it the smart way and inherit them.

Ill take both. Gotta love Harry and the Hendersons.

Wheres a rock when you need one?

With this guy in the background, it looks like the MOB must be involved.

Can Brady ever not look like a smug douche?

Wish it had. So close.

Had to deal with this recently with my father-in-law. He had a major stroke and was in the ICU then palliative care for several weeks. He has a sister, lets call her Ruth, that is less than nice.

I have a feeling Netflix will be moving to exclusive/self created content, while Hulu seems to be picking up better movies.

Be a man and grill out, no matter the weather.

Be a man and grill out, no matter the weather.

Its cheaper to date her on the computer and send some $ once in a while than have her crash at your place forever.

So one every day does not make something rare? There are fewer plane crashes....