
Its New York. Of course its disgusting and filthy. The people are scum, anything doing with body fluids is going to be a cesspool.

VW owners, any VW owner. They think their cars are gold, when they break down like nothing.

It isnt already?

Is this blurred out on purpose or is the dof that shallow?

Can you smell the pretentious hipsters that high up?

Aside from the terminology, the guy was a complete moron. He is impressed by the wheels? On a Camry? The whole commercial is them saying they have given up on life and that the most exciting thing they have is driving a Camry......A CAMRY.

The generic one, not the platinum are equal to wal mart batteries though.

I had a flash of Dazed and Confused. Well alright alright alright.

Are the Cubs loosing so badly that they are rioting already?

Hey look, Raphael Orlove, this guy can keep his Beetle upright with a blown tire....

How the hell do you miss your exit and end up in Mexico?

Town with Americas #1 party school. (Iowa City, IA). So any number of clapped out Pontiacs, mostly Grand Prix. Daddys $70k Chicago suburb suv, or a Prius. Take your pick. pretty equal.

I want one.

So he doesn't get how cars, airports, design, and music work. Apparently

So his heart was held in place by a banana peel?

Jet Set Radio with zombies?

For a second I thought this was my landlord. She is expecting twins and is from Russia. Are twins more common in Russia?

"Paid administrative leave" Does this really need to be said anytime a cop kills somebody? of course they are on paid leave.

Pacific Coast Highway