Smooth out some of the body lines, ie. hood and windows, and change the grille up a little and you have a damn good looking car if you ask me.
Smooth out some of the body lines, ie. hood and windows, and change the grille up a little and you have a damn good looking car if you ask me.
I normally say that all cars should be driven, but in the case of the F40, I think we need a "track course only" usage requirement or something.
Code brown on the track.
I guess Toyota isnt too "grounded to the ground" in California.
2nd Gear:
The ability for the human brain to get and process the insane amount of visual information that one must get when cornering at 200+ mph is amazing. I can barely see the car, yet this person is able to drive the damn car.
This just screams Miami Vice. Much want. Also, how can I marry into this guys family?
I saw a Countryman on the road today. There is no possible way to make one of these cars look acceptable.
Man, I wish we had a C&C around here. Stupid BFE towns.
Very cool. I've always had admiration for the logistics people. Mainly because most of the people I know who do that sort of thing get to drive all over the place.
That makes sense. Are you in the "trading" of gas or work for one of the companies?
Because Chicago. Here in Iowa we make the shit and we pay more than the national average for it. Talk about being nuts.
So a VW or a Benz? No brainer.
69 Thuderbird with Turbojet. Tuned just right (meaning neglected) I got 3 mpg in town.
Because they are made to look good in the air.
Well there goes the kids college fund, a kidney, and any other organs that they can harvest.
This. This right here. Perfection.
All to protect a house worth $100.
"On the market" is a relative term. There are still tons of these on dealers lots. I think a nearly 30 year run on the same platform is old school. Shoot, they still had tape players.
I know a lot of people think Lincoln should fold or that they are going the wrong direction with their vehicles. Which is true on most fronts, but when auto "journalists" report on things like this, saying "you probably should not care about this, and don't bother watching the teaser.", it sends a bad vibe.