
I had a white Grand Marquis that was bare bones, no flashy chrome or anything. The previous owner had lost the wheel covers. Looked like an unmarked cop car from the front at night, and until I replaced the wheels, looked like a cop car from the side. Yea, there is a chrome strip on the side, but people that dont own

Crown Vic with a 5 speed swap. Just my guess

Continentals are not BOF. They are the Taurus platform.

My 94 Town Car had the optional cell phone. Nothing beats the aero Town Car though.

In case you were wondering, this is what the suspect looks like.....

It is practical if you want a smart car. Carrying more than two people or one person plus luggage is pretty impossible. I had to detail one where the owner needed to fold the rear seats down to fit two standard size rolling suitcases in it. Plus the interior is just as boring as any other crapbox.

So honor him by getting where his plane crashed right. It was Clear Lake, Iowa. Also, Roy Orbison was supposed to be on the plane but there was not enough space, so he flipped a coin with Buddy Holly to see who got the seat.

Can we just all agree that the Town Car is the better looking car?

Some of you people need to get out of the city. I live in an Iowa farm town 10 miles from a bigger city. Even the teenage kids have big pickups. Its mandatory here. And yes, they can easily afford it. The average income here is 25% more than in the larger town.

Enjoy growing, slaughtering, storing, and cooking all your own food.

Good to see I am not the only person who likes the commercial and thinks nothing is wrong with it. Has anybody ever asked if maybe, just maybe, thats the actors real voice?

I laughed.

Must be the camera lens, but it looks like an rc car or something. Look at the size when compared to the people at the very beginning of the video.

Tuffy did the same thing to my girlfriends car before I met her. Her dad, who is a big car guy with several classics (60s-70s) swears by them, mainly because he knows the owner, but they never give him any deals. I told him they hammered her drain plug in. He said they would never do that, and took it back himself.

One of the code names that has been used for any president by the secret service is Flapjack.

Bet you cant do it again. Without crashing.

Use the sidewalks.... Brilliant.

Says the single guy. Bench seats with cup holders in the arm rests (Like 93-97 Town Cars) are all you need.

First off, "Dr" Phil has not been a practicing doctor since his license was removed for malpractice in the 80's. He has refused to get his license (medical) because he could not pass ethics classes. So he is far from a Dr who deserves to be called one.

Kinda like the $2.1 billion in loans Nissan got to develop alternative energy, while Fiskar got $465 million?