
Ill send you a video of my 65 year old mom driving.... "Mom your turn signal is still on"

Thats the problem I have with major "photographers" today. They basically just click. Have no input in the final image, or the desired look. I've shot a 12 hour wedding by myself. Thats being a photographer. Not just showing up, clicking the shutter button 5 times and calling your job done (and collecting 100k for 5

Crown Vics too?

It does, depending on the winter. We have a very high senior population. So snow scares them. and it seems like people magically forget how to drive in snow every 6 months

She is a major overspender. She doesnt pay her assistants or employees above peanuts, but spends all the money on "gear" and herself. She is a notoriously horrendous person on set. Just because she photographed the Stones on tour, etc, all these photographers love her work. Personally I think her work is over shopped

Yea, Im gonna have to disagree

Amen to that. When I had my Tahoe, holy hell the fun that was had on Iowa City streets. Mainly because other people were too afraid to drive in an inch of snow.

Thank goodness I wasnt the only one

You guys did not state that you did hands on test it. He was simply stating what he read in the article.

Now I could see that going for 4.3 mil. not some shitty photo.

I am from Iowa. I want to assure you that not all Iowans are as dumb as Kutcher. Sorry for any confusion.

Will it hold my 70-200 comfortably? Doubt it. If you are really that concerned about appearance, get a shoot sac. Otherwise just dual wield cameras. A lot of pro wedding shooters do.

If it has a LT1 engine does it count as a performance car? Caprice Wagon had one. If not I nominate the 1995 Impala SS.

I got a model Mclaren F1 when I was 10, I still have it. It is my favorite toy to this day.

I logged in to say exactly the same thing. The kid heard the honk, thought he was closer to the sidewalk behind him, turned to find a wagon in his face an ran. All hail the wagon.

Understood. Yea. A lot of those lenses you kinda get a little more than you pay for. I am looking for a good wide angle maybe 18-24 ish range. Suggestions?

I hardly think it will beat the Nikon equivalent. They are cheaper for a reason. Just my two cents.

Thank you. I think that as a blog, they can post whatever they want. I get that, but bashing the same company/software/OS is getting kinda old. Yea fanboys will show up, but bashing the same company over and over is just old.

Nobody else notice that he actually made the tree curve like that?

MIT and DIY dont belong in the same sentence