
Sometimes I want to de-recommend your posts, just so I can recommend them again.

Right. No disc means no disc based verification. :P

Mine's fairly unimaginative: it's the name of the last Bionicle set combiner.


My first was a Torchic in Sapphire, first time playing a Pokemon (video) game. Restarted the game because I thought it was a glitch. ;__;

Never mind that it wasn't in the last six Pokemon games, or that plenty of people never knew it.

The 2DS screen is the same size as the original 3DS, so the 3DS XL screen is 90% larger than the 2DS screen.

I haven't played it yet, but a piece of advice: don't bother with the cross-buy if you don't actually have a PS3; you have to authenticate the download with the disc. (Same story with PSASBR.)

And Walmart. They're the ones who don't want to stock extra colors.

If Motorola can do it... (Take my money, Nintendo.)

I know some people love them, but Oreo Os were so disappointing.

Porygon-Z is meant to be that glitch, being a corrupted version of Porygon 2, thanks to the malicious code on the Dubious Disc.

You and me, both.

I'd like to see in-store deals not go unmentioned, but if that's just not in the cards for the commerce team, I can go to one of the 3 brazillion BF ad compiling sites for that (and stay here for the online stuff; I trust you more than just about anyone else for the actual dealfinding).

Either lower your standards, or actually raise your standards and leave. You'll be happier either way.


Yeah, "trash can" is an exaggeration. Still, they'd probably be disposing of this version thanks to the delayed games, which would be a good time for one to go missing.

This could very well have been pulled out of a trashcan; three games in this ad have been delayed, so the ad needs to be redesigned and reprinted.

This year's Vita bundle is just the Walking Dead bundle... at the current price. Damnation.

Look again (or, considering how happy you were, don't); it's just obscured by his lifted leg.