(Full disclosure, I did laugh at this one, from when Drake broke his ankle... but a broken/sprained ankle is not a mental health crisis).
(Full disclosure, I did laugh at this one, from when Drake broke his ankle... but a broken/sprained ankle is not a mental health crisis).
I will never fault a parent for choosing the best school for their child. It sounds like a great school.
I am starting to doubt Madeleine’s commitment to Dirt Bag.
I live in Canada, so I have zero stuffings to give.
I have a cat named Lady Gaga. She has to wear pajamas because of her over grooming. You can feel bad for her. And also think she is adorable.
If someone’s language is offensive and shocking, then you must cite the exact language when you criticize them. To say “Oh he said the n-word” or “Oh he called her a c-word” dilutes the power of the criticism and gives people an opportunity to turn their heads and not listen. That’s what happens when we sanitize…
Do you have any idea how compelling evidence has to be for cops to go after one of their own?
please everyone. no more snark or assholery regarding kanye. he’s a human being who deserves our care and compassion, regardless of your opinion on him, his wife, his lifestyle, or anything else.
I feel like we are not talking enough about the fact that she fucking smashed the cake. That’s so awesome. Like “no cake for you, sexist dick bags.
On one hand, I find the cake amusing, and wouldn’t be opposed to having one like that at a party at my house. I would also not be opposed to have a dick cake either because dicks are fun and funny, just like boobs.
For MS Peterson: Treat yo self to some nasty cake punching!
I want to pass on some information that, believe it or not, Gloria Allred told me when I spoke to her about my own workplace situation, as I think it’s something folks might not be aware of.
I have never talked about this ordeal outside of my close family/friends. The fallout was almost more than I could stand at the time, but weirdly, I feel like keeping it to myself is actually worse. 4 yrs ago, when I was a very junior officer in the military, my commander would CONSTANTLY harass me and would…
We’re all many things. You will always be able to point at a victim and accuse them of some deficiency because no one is perfect. But that’s how attackers keep getting away with it.
A request to Jezebel writers/reporters: it would be most helpful for you to speak to several attorneys specializing in workplace harassment cases about what kinds of evidence to gather and generally how to proceed, then report back to the Jezebel community. Those involved in such situations already should still…
youre thirty-great.
That imperative “APOLOGIZE!” and the end of Drumpf’s tweet just makes me want to scream: “FUCK YOU YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD!” then slam the door to my bedroom.
So....you promoted via telling people it existed and was terrible, and then you watched it AND then wrote a recap. Somehow I don’t believe you mean this :
I explained shade to my parents and my dad said: “There’s a word for what your mom does?” He now rejoices in pointing out shade where he finds it. He’s extremely accurate.
My husband used the word shade around his parents, so I felt the need to give a 10-minute explanation of the word, its origin, and correct usage— specifically throwing shade vs. a read. Near minute nine I realized I misjudged my audience and no one cared. I still finished strong and feel like I made the world a better…