
besides, women in these situations, linked to accused men, are pretty much always expected to chime in, often with people hoping that they echo what accusers have said or at least denounce the men outright.

plus the other comments below this:

she’s also co-owner? of a hair dye brand (unsurprisingly). it’s a good product too, and seems to be doing pretty well :)

sadly true :( wish this didn’t matter so much.

fair, fair. hopefully there’s some sort of connection outlined in the film, for those who would forget to look it up (or simply not want to)


because even if you bring a lot of entertainment, flights are pretty boring. plus, i usually fly when i’m on vacation! i’m allowed to enjoy a drink. if the flight is international, doubly so; that’s a long time to be in a plane and it gets dull real fast.

sorry it’s hard for you to understand, even after being explicitly laid out. oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i mean, there are most definitely people with objections to the meat industry that will refuse to eat even lab grown meat. the connection is exceedingly clear, whether or not you think people making those choices are smart.

you’re not wrong, but i think it’s just pointing out that if you don’t want to support the diamond industry whatsoever (even with a lab-grown one), you can get moissanite instead.

oh, shit, this garbage again. you know, every parent with this argument is 100% okay with the taxes that support services for their kids, though.

despite the weird attempt to turn it around on other people... that kind of comment isn’t rare on these sites either. definitely saw people wishing prison rape for Larry Nassar, in plain, clear terms. gross gross gross.

sigh... just keep man James Bond, and give us a Paloma spinoff.

also, even if the name change seems dumb (i agree), Japan is hardly some super-progressive alternative to America, despite some of the comments here. yeah, you can buy porn at the convenience store, but when i went in just to get some pads, they still wrapped it up like something dirty i needed to hide, soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ooh, excited for this <3

definitely skeevy either way, but honestly, i was even more “eugh” about Leon’s situation since it was lacking the details/”assurances” about Gabby’s situation. Leon’s one of my favorites and the lines were delivered perfectly, but still, yikes.

the chefs yelling at the end: perfection. 

that’s what i thought; his eyes are pretty distinctive.

The piece alleges that over decades, Warner “was able to hide his abuses in plain sight behind the Marilyn Manson character he created and the music industry that supported, and profited from, his living-demon shtick.”

music across all decades and nearly all genres involves songs about love and heartbreak; it’s not exclusive to or uniquely frequent with either pop music or women performers.