
all of this sounds like he wasn’t fit to care for the dog, though; if it’s reaching a condition that could be mistaken for abuse (assuming it is not actually abuse), and he can’t pay for vet care, then he doesn’t really sound like a fit owner for a pet of any kind. just like not everyone’s meant to be a parent... not

just adding: the sudden call for obedience and lawfulness in comparison to more recent articles is also odd. all around, this seems like something that should be applauded rather than shamed (again, especially considering the dog’s condition).

assuming that the influencer is telling the truth about the dog’s condition (which is at least somewhat supported by the dog needing a wheelchair)... i wonder how much this differs from saving an abused/neglected animal from a nearby yard? the headline makes it sound like she just wanted a dog she saw and took it for

it’s weird; i don’t think there’s anyone here who wouldn’t complain if they received the same level of service described in this situation. but, nonetheless, it involved a white woman unhappy about something so this blog decided to score points by creating an entire post just to mock her. it’s trendy right now, so

... and then she’ll just be accused of whitesplaining, being a white savior, or being a monster for not having a time machine to go back and undo everything that may offend someone, somewhere. i generally agree that a lot of people could do more to make up for their transgressions, but then a situation like this comes

most of the things in this article truly are terrible, but this collection of blogs has been gunning for Kristen Bell for a while now. first for being a landlord cutting breaks to tenants during quarantine, then for vowing to raise her children in an anti-racist way, and now for opting out of being one of several

it just seems like another example of “edgy” kids hating the cool thing for the sake of it. see also: Kristen Bell, as of late.

fancam spammers are terribly annoying, but this is pretty good.

yeah, the “Forever Family” seemed inoffensive to me; i used to follow a foster/adoption charity organization and they used that term often.

“Seriously, the main thing is he with a family who will give him all the love, care and support he needs. At least these people realized they couldn’t supply that and tried to do the right thing?”

the language they used is gross, and that Huxley was so much a part of their YouTube thing, but ultimately, this is what i

same; i really need that t-shirt.

i don’t think any of them have to be quiet or satisfied all of the time. i don’t think reaching a high level of success means you don’t feel frustration occasionally, or a need to vent. i still don’t agree with the way she did it, but i don’t see any reason why she’s not allowed to do it. this is, in part, turning

generally agreed; it’s best to pay no mind to that and keep looking upward. i don’t fault celebrities/artists for venting though; i’m not a fan of the way of thinking some hold, that celebrities and artists aren’t still just... people.

at the time she wrote the initial tweet, those artists were all at or near the top of the Billboard lists, way above Taylor and Adele. the rest of the top artists were men. Billie Eilish is probably the only other person she could have named, although it wouldn’t have made much sense in the context of her initial

like, there was just an article about someone who was basically bullied to death, and not even a week later, Jez commenters are right back at it, plus strongly indicating that her “whiteness” is a significant reason for the vitriol and lack of compassion. how wonderful.

mostly sad that there’s no Don/don joke in the title now.

was really surprised not to see Haikyuu! in the article. not because the others aren’t also great, but because Haikyuu! is just so good :) (and kind of a big deal)

sort of agree. i think she should be free to express her frustration; at least parts of what she described does seem crappy and unfair, even if there’s no one to blame. but, there was no need to bring names or even feminism into it. hopefully now that she has this out of her system, she does let it go and returns to

it really seems like overall, it’s about a) entertainment/a new hobby, b) having someone to take care of you when you’re old, or c) having a mini-me, or some combination above with a side of “but my body made me do it!”

kind of thinking the same thing... the only other person i could think of that’s just as popular right now is Billie Eilish, and it wouldn’t quite make sense to bring her up in this argument/complaint. i checked the top 50 and Halsey is also there (featured, i think), but i haven’t listened to anything from Halsey so