Pharoah is gone because he refused to say the phrase 'Radical Oterirism' in character.
Pharoah is gone because he refused to say the phrase 'Radical Oterirism' in character.
"Heyyy, Jake-O"
Judging from the pic at the top both Gregg and the other fella could play Trump…they look like they've been sleeping in his tanning bed or rolling in whatever Cheeto dust he uses to achieve his particular shade of orange.
and the food coverage
I don't understand that analogy, and I won't respond to it.
Ah, I see you've noticed my WANG computers t-shirt!
Nah the Batman way woulda been to take one of those lads home so they could slide down a pole into his secret underground lair whereupon they'd both change into some skimpy tights.
Hey bros!
In your edit lies the probable truth. In order to make Gremlins 2 he forced WB to acquiesce and allow him to feature its most iconic properties, Bugs and Daffy. This guy loathes big studios and laboring under someone else's vision.
I'm not famous, but I've been saying the same thing since May. Jeebus help us.
Can't be much grosser than plain candy corn…
Do you want to fight me now, or are you a coward?
That may be true (I'm not certain, but you're probably right)…but Bruce has always and will always be my favorite. You are Brucio, and always shall be!!
For me it would be him (in his thick eyebrowed drag) opening his mouth in delight just after striking the triangle in Darryl's imaginary oompah band sketch.
Wallace Shawn is a pretty strong first guest for a podcast. For some reason I feel the need to clarify I am being sincere.
I recently rewatched all 5 seasons and I was a bit surprised at how much I underappreciated McDonald when I was younger. It was sort of a running joke on the show that he was the least popular member of the troupe, and I always sort of agreed (even though I loved him). Well, after rewatching he shot up my internal…
No time for drink. It is dark enough anyway. You see…each day we toil in the blackness.
Hopefully they'll also invest to improve their shitty player…
The only thing I found really funny in FYC was the title of the film Home For Purim. It was a miss.
Your bar is on the floor.