
Yeah, I thought it was clever they flipped the E and made it an M.

It’s like the #2 most common grocery store here in Florida.

I live in Florida and I’ve never even heard of Safeway. Pretty sure it’s Publix.

They really created a system with the abbreviation STD, huh?

I’m pretty sure The Police come from London.

What is wrong with people? I saw that GTA6 footage and my first thought was, “Wow, this is going to be the most polished game ever made if it looks like that 4-5 years before release.”

I don’t remember every person specifically, but Polygon for its first couple of years was by far the best team I’ve ever seen. That quality bar was very short lived though, unfortunately.

What is the point of this other than to confuse people? It’s like if Capcom decided to start calling all future Resident Evil games Biohazard over here.

That’s not Mickey Mouse, it’s his cousin Mousey Mick. They look so much alike that he frequently tries to pass himself off as Mickey. He’s a creep, though, so watch out!

“Queens crispy fillets!” is my favorite.

News was great, but it seems kind of abandoned these days. There isn’t even a channel for Splatoon 3 that I know of, and that used to be pretty big for Splatoon 2.

I don’t think it’s a necessity, but you’ll probably get more out of Xenoblade 3 if you play it. While the first two games are basically only loosely connected, Xenoblade 3 is actually a sequel to both of them.

Damn, I can’t believe he was Hideo Kojima all along!

Nintendo already confirmed this is a nonlinear game.

I played the original Skate, but I didn’t like it because of the weird controls. If I can choose to simply press buttons this time around, then I will absolutely play this.

It really saddens me how animation is outsourced to South Korea and the Philippines and nobody investing in North American animation studios, because a lot of world-class talent is going to waste.

You’re neglecting the fact that Geoff’s Games Fest sucks complete ass. I will gladly ignore it next year in favor of E3. 

Yep. I’ve literally never heard of this until right now. Looks like we’ve got another Among Us situation on our hands.

Wow, they used the game’s font and everything.

The last F-Zero games came out in 2003, 19 years ago. Much closer to 20 than 15.