
Hey everyone, I found the PC master race guy!

This sounds like it’s going to cost nearly the same as the PS5.

The first game really only makes sense in the context of the second game, where you discover that the “mysterious voice” guiding you was Jack’s siren daughter who was leading you to the vault on purpose because Jack wanted The Destoryer’s eye to power his super laser. In the third game, you find out that the entirety

I mean, it should be considering Microsoft has been doing to for two generations now.

Namco and Square are also missing from the list of E3 participants, although I find it hard to believe they won’t have any presence even if they don’t hold their own events.

So... same as the Switch?

Same as Xbox. What did you expect?

This is officially Bowser’s canon penis now.

I’m 99% sure this is the same price as Nintendo’s official Pro controller.

Okay, but why’s she got to do that to Snorlax though?

The weirdest thing is that YouTube will still ask me, from time to time, to rate a video I recently watched on a five star scale.

Well, I mean, the core of Cyberpunk is good at least. Underneath all the bugs and issues is an enjoyable game that people actually want to to be fixed. Can you say the same about Anthem?

I don’t understand why they constantly remove stuff they own that should just sit there untouched forever. 

This sounds bad. 

I’ll never buy one of these, then. I like that I can change the thumbstick tension, but if I can’t have two convex sticks then it’s totally worthless. I have a few 3rd party sticks for the old one, too.

They already specifically said in the original announcement that the Netflix show has nothing to do with Avatar Studios.

The best weapon in the game is definitely the Bouncer, but it was only available as a preorder bonus for some stupid reason.

Those numbers are probably no longer accurate since Sakuri usually films these things months in advance.

I like the idea of the Florida one because they don’t have to squeeze it into an existing space. The park is brand new so theoretically they could make the Nintendo section as large as they wanted.

Right. I’m sure Nintendo also feels this way. They simply don’t focus on graphical power, which is why I find this whole thing hard to believe.