
I spent most of the appointment asking if I needed his permission to do things. "Put this gown on," was followed by, "Should I call my husband first?"

"Give me your arm so I can draw blood/take your blood pressure." Did I need to call him first?

"Put your feet in the stirrups." Did I need to call my husband?

The point

I recently got a Mirena, and although they had no law backing them, the healthcare providers heavily insinuated I needed my husband's verbal consent to have it inserted. "It's important to consult both parties on decisions that will effect both of them."

Note that they didn't ask if we'd discussed it - they just

I found out recently that some doctors require the spouse's consent to perform permanent birth control, which is absolutely bonkers to me. Doesn't that violate HIPAA in like a billion ways? But at least they're consistent and they sometimes require it for vasectomies too. SO MANY EYE ROLLS.