
Hahahahaha. I just watched the Penn & Teller's Bullshit episode on the Bible.

Only ten grand for an Asgard of my very own?

How about a frickin' EVF that doesn't require spending more on accessories?

I am happy with a phone that just calls and texts.

@aelver: Not misplaced, the bastards renamed it.

@dbx: Yes, mostly. They're also a common point of failure.

@ttech10: Amazon tells me to buy things I've already bought from Amazon, I doubt Google will do better than that, either.

@subsammy: Put a new battery and a 32 gig CF card in it.

@Alternate: Same here. Would it kill them to not make it thinner?

@Dunadan: Listening to music on a stationary bike: good

Well, hey, it's hardly less practical than the original. Probably got better weight distribution, too.

@lordargent: Well, it's on a filter, not the lens. Still one of the stupider things I've seen. Who wants to take crappy pictures?

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: Quiet compared to unsuppressed, perhaps, but I bet those "silencers" are really more about not deafening themselves/each other while firing indoors.

Pervy? Perhaps. Creepy? Absolutely. 100% correct? Definitely.

A small aircraft could certainly hide from radar by flying low over a wind farm. Is this something we should be worrying about? No.

@blehbleh13: I'm blatantly stealing this from someone else on another forum, but a touchscreen with the right gestures could be as good as physical controls.

@hawkeye18: Victory. It would sound like victory.


Microsoft dumps "billions" of dollars into everything it does.