
My favorite is a tie between Tweaked Trucker and Taurus Shootout.

Since my dad's a big union labor guy and I don't want to be disowned, yeah, I buy American cars. I'm also at the lower end of the income scale, so I buy older used cars, which probably skews my perceptions a bit.

@LandofMinos, That pissed and muted look: Yeah, but the difference between the Beat and the Ute you posted is that one is a little crapbox and the other is a damn fine looking vehicle in any color.

Is there anything more to that rumor from a couple weeks ago, about the Ford truck plants that were closed being re-tooled to produce Euro models?

That's one way to make a hybrid car.

That's a sharp-looking car. I thought the previous Tiburons were ugly, but this is nice.

I've never understood all the PT Cruiser hate I see on the internet. The car itself isn't my cup of tea- I prefer something a bit larger and more powerful- but it's a nicely styled little wagon. It does a good job of looking different from other cars, and for its price range, that's pretty good.