Chad Kirchner

Elon Musk and Tesla just don't think the rules should apply to them.

I wouldn't touch an airport water fountain with a 20 foot aileron.

You resisted parking like an asshat. Now everyone definitely knows it's not your car. I would have done it just to see what it feels like.

FCA has already said they can't put a stick in the Charger because of the incredible expense of re-engineering the floor pan. The Challenger was designed from the outset with a stick in mind while the Charger was not. The cost was too high to justify the number sold.

When did Piers Morgan become a Top Gear producer?

Maybe the driver still thinks that they got it home without a scratch on it.

They just ID'd the driver from the plate and arrested Mak Gai Fa.

I wonder what kind of PR message this is...

It's not. King Abdullah's actually kind of a badass.

I'm absolutely livid my new computer didn't come with a serial port for my joystick

"Don't do anything that would end up on Jalopnik. And make sure you use an analog tire gauge to make sure your tire pressures are right."

vaguely hot extremely trashy bitches - my only weakness.

That would work except her 2yo sister sits there. And guess what fucking song she also loves? Let. It. Fucking. Go.

Man, I bought my daughters a Frozen Jeep Wrangler (which is the exact same truck as this but with slightly different panels and stickers) and it just proves that men are indeed better drivers.

If you give it away I'd like a chance to have one. Thanks.

After clearing my driveway of wet and heavy snow I needed something to cheer me up. Now that we've bankrupted their business we just need to find some names and prevent these scumbags from ever landing a job again. I would like to see that fat fucker on the street, filthy, in a cardboard box shouting at strangers

If there's ONE couple I want to see having sex at a dealer, it's these two:

Salman Rushdie taught a great class entitled "How to prepare the hair of a dead elk." I got a B+.

Well, I didn't go to college. I went to the Greater West Virginia School of Hairstyling and Mortuary Services. It was an evening course.