I'd buy one!
I'd buy one!
I think in this case GM built a car that can quite literally stop the rotation of the earth.
LFA definitely deserves at least an honorable mention.
I hear that quote on almost a daily basis ;)
I drove last year's version on the track a few weeks ago. I commend anyone who drives that car daily. It's great, but man the suspension is stiff.
Ford's works pretty well on most models and is pretty quick. Where Ford's really does well is from a mobile phone. Sometimes you just have to configure a Raptor on the toilet.
And a free lifetime subscription to OnStar.
As a TAWA member, I was there for the voting. But Patrick, I totally see where you're coming from. You made a good point while making me laugh at the same time. Bravo, sir.
You're seriously making me want to buy this oversized bottle of girl repellant, and be happy about it :)
It's not cool messing with someone else's car. Ever.
During the announcement in December they said the American version of the car will have the sequential LED tails. European regulation prohibits their use there. Probably just a pre-production setup that we're seeing.
I commend you, Travis, on being such a good sport about it.
So the UK "Shark Tank" (not sure what it's called in the UK; something about Dragons.) bit at the end was funny because the one guy said "This is the most intelligent thing I've seen you do" or something like that. That made the segment for me.
Yes, there was an indicated red light. One that is actually taken seriously!
I think from the rear-end you might be on to something, but I can't really figure anything out with the front. I have a Fiesta and the lights to appear to wrap around that way.