
"If cancer were pretentious, it would be GARDEN STATE." - Harry S. Plinkett

No need to insult me, dude. I never insulted you.

None of that stuff says to me that he is sexist or a bully. Lexi Alexander is kind of mean. I love Rey, but not liking her character does not automatically make you sexist.

I've read some of his stuff, he comes off as pretty opinionated but not a bad dude. Granted, I'm not familiar with any of the bullying or sexism. What did he do? (Genuinely asking, not trying to be a dick)

Seeing so many people piling on this dude in the comments section is making me feel bad for him.

4 years = "several years"?

He may have gone too far in a few places…

In the same scene we see the other character pretty easily avoid getting pancaked by the ship. They also had a good 10-15 foot head start. Maybe it's just me, but if I was outrunning a crashing donut-shaped ship, my first instinct would be to run diagonally away from it.

Too bad she only knew how to run in a straight line from a crashing circular ship…

There is no humanity to Lex in "BvS". He's just a batshit (no pun intended) loony with questionable motivation. His actions are 100% dictated by what the plot demands of him, which it sounds like is exactly what Eisenberg was trying to avoid.

Four Krustys!

And yet Noah Baumbach keeps working with him. Weird.

Yeah, the fact that Pete was the only character who didn't get some kind of comeuppance this season really irked me. He's always been my least favorite character, though I love Mark Duplass.

The guy they ended up going with has only directed 2 films that are very small and seem to be in the similiar vein as the Duplass Brothers' films. I guess it's a similar logic you applied to your guess.

My guess is the upcoming Spider-Man reboot.

2 Fat 2 Greek

ParaNorman was great, but I was severely underwhelmed by Frankenweenie and I can see why it didn't do well.

You upvoted your own comment?

Yeah, I don't disagree with the analogy either. Having said that, Snyder is still a dick.