The title is a bit misleading, but at least it has the subtext which says it's being dropped over and over
The title is a bit misleading, but at least it has the subtext which says it's being dropped over and over
@jmurph05: Oh no I've been in the negatives for about a year or so now...I have no plans on going back into the positives
@jmurph05: Yeah I needed a boost too because I surfed craigslist for a few minutes this morning
And my faith in humanity is slightly restored
@Jesse Scroggins: Re - LSD'd
@raveseer: oh I'm sure it was a mistake
@crabperson: how convenient
Alright, so if I remember correctly the Verizon teaser site said 720p screen...what the heck happened with that?
@Sir Gibler: I'm guessing they'll have to wait for their pre orders like every other person for a long time to come
@AreWeThereYeti: I haven't really sat down and done a comprehensive comparison yet because we've only had em for a week
@Aklost: Oh I just meant price to results
@Aklost: really? wow
My dad has the SD4000 and I have the S90.
@Calrekabooki: I died inside after watching that
@AdamKaoru: lot's of ism's going on in this comment
@Tycho Vhargon: YEEEAAAAAH!
@shibbybypass: Yes
@Andinator: I know right?
@Malthian: The white balance was way off, for the whole era too it's a shame