
I think a bigger problem around here is that Jalops are, on average, incredibly judgemental. Around here, there are “right” and “wrong” vehicles to own.

I wish there were more car articles (reviews, announcements, deep dives into interesting new features/tech on cars, comparison tests, etc) and less “ELON MUSK TWEETED A THING” or “SOMETHING SOMETHING TESLA” for clicks. 

I’m not sure what loser circles you run in where that guy is famous, but I’m not part of them.

Fucking braindead take, these toxic kids are far more likely to have been the bullies.

I’d have responded with

Downs Syndrome, for example is missing chromosomes

Green party, obviously.

Fraud: it’s more of a Shelbyville idea.

Apparently fireupabove and everybody playing Follow the Leader? A commentor snarking about articles they don’t have to read is several levels of magnitude less important than a news site posting news regardless of your personal level of care, lol

LMG is more than just YT drama. They have real pull in the tech industry. 

These channels and websites dictate tens of millions and collectively hundreds of millions of dollars of hardware spending a year. So lots of people care. When someone goes out to build a new gaming PC, they look at benchmarks generated by these types of people. It doesnt matter if you are a veteran or a noob, you

This is an article, not a video. They don’t have to pull it down - they just edited it and posted the correction. Like he showed they did. What’s with all these idiots and their “gotcha” comments?

That’s what bugged me most. Linus’ response is easily the worst of everyone else. They all, for the most part, accepted the criticism and said they’d be better in the future. That’s fine, but most of Linus’ response was him whining about people calling him a thief.

Linus Media Group isn’t just the Linus Tech Tips channel, it also runs the ShortCircuit, TechQuickie, TechLinked, GameLinked, and LMG Clips channels (plus a few more that don’t upload regularly), as well as the WAN Show podcast. Between all those channels, they’ve uploaded 33 videos in just the past week, and that’s

Oh wait KaiUno, you’re suffering from the same thing! 

Across all of their channels, they total a weekly average of like 25 videos a week

Fair point. Also Bialik is a terrible person, so it is good to hate her.

“Anything could be Star Wars” sounds like a really liberating pitch, honestly. With an entire galaxy to play around in, you could tell almost any kind of story. Just put in some familiar aliens or some references to the Force or the Empire or whatever. You don’t need more than that.

It’s not like there’s no connective tissue. It’s like “Ur-Star Wars.” The original Star Wars was a pastiche of 1960's Westerns and Samurai movies with some dogfighting footage from World War 2 and Gleep Glorp aliens and space magic and antifa.