
Unless you want games to start cutting more corners (like using recycled assets)“

Jason—and other journalists who leak information—have largely only done so when said information was newsworthy/had a purpose. For example, the Fallout 4 “leak” was newsworthy because it came in the midst of a huge Fallout hoax being perpetrated on fans. Jason, a journalist, had information that said hoax was indeed a

Um, counterpoint, like, no? Pwned.

also, do me a favor. go thru my comments and find the troll comments. im guessing you are a lazy fuck and won’t do it but thanks again for claiming out of thin air i’m a racist and sexist because of a fucking avatar.

you’re really bad at assumptions. i use the avatar...as an avatar for the bewilderment i find in life and in the comments, such as yours.  my comment made no mention of sexuality or ethnicity.  how you jumped to where you did i’ll never know.  you have sean spicer in your avatar, i can make assumptions too.  would you

I find a short article refreshing. Sometimes you just need to say what needs to be said, and nothing more.

Got some biden voting level brainworms here.

You’re still just explaining the joke…

To the dev, it’s “let off some steam”, not “let off *on* Steam”. 

It doesn’t seem like the developer’s nonsense has significantly impacted the game’s popularity.

Now that is some thinly veiled, very tart haterade. One can be racially ambiguous, and aware of their privilege at the same time, these things are not mutually exclusive. Was she supposed to turn down roles because of how she appears or presents?! Chiiiiiile.

I can understand what she’s saying. A blended woman who grew up in the suburbs and has a White father was somewhat sheltered from blatant, outright, Jim Crow racism that many dark skin Black people experience today.

She uses her body to make money hand over fist and invests it in business ventures that will outlive her youth and allow her to retire young, all without having to touch even a single simp.

Nah, hoarders collect trash, and I don’t see piles of N-Gages or 32X.

Damn it, Ashley. I just went through a whole phase where I kept watching the Maps music video and you just drop it right here where it can infect my brain again. Like, for one second can you just

right, but my point is, FH could carry the Orion Capsule and Service Module GTO almost fully fueled. the difference between GTO and MTO is not a whole lot and a F9 could meet it in GTO and give it either a boost to MTO or more fuel to get it there for under 10% of the cost.

this whole enterprise has been social welfare

You are both insane and deluded 

Oh you are stupid in general not on a specific topic huh? 

You should comment less.