Are you just sharing that so we can chat about the good news together, or is there a point you think I’m missing?
Are you just sharing that so we can chat about the good news together, or is there a point you think I’m missing?
Seriously, who the fuck needs that many limes? Can a person really handle that much zest?
Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the most ridiculous, painfully out-of-touch celebrities I’ve ever goddamn seen. This campaign is surely going to devolve into eye-rolly sanctimoniousness.
Not that they care much about animals, really.
I’m wondering that, too. My guess is that someone, anyone, will say he’s a good boy? I mean, I was under the impression he was in good with the right wing, but external validation or maybe money is about the only thing I could think of that he’d get out of this.
Just yet another example of how PETA cares more about animals than people, especially if those people are women and/or people of color.
Looking at Sean Penn, I can’t help but think of this bit from Andy Samberg as Nicholas Cage: “You lack the qualities of a true movie star. Namely, a shock of brown hair that zigs and zags across my ever-changing brow-line, like polarized metal filings at the cruel mercy of their mother magnet, all perched upon the…
Is it just me or does that picture of Farrah Abraham look like a demented action figure?
I honestly found this part way worse:
And he felt the need to specify that he'd been with more women than men. Poor dude definitely sounds like he has some internalized stuff going on.
Actually, I think Glenn Beck was one of the biggest charlatans they ever aired. Though the effect is the same.
It’s just crooked enough it looks like his facial features are about to go sliding around the surface of his skull.
That sounds like a diuretic.
I didn’t even notice that the first time! :( Their last scene together as a cute little family gives me the happy sniffles every time.
I will accept happy tears. But I’m watching you, Show.
I couldn’t watch with sound, but:
I know me well enough to know I’d have a hard time not starting debate rebuttals with “look here, you pathetic piece of human smegma…”