
They already have changed a lot of the plot to make it work. The big confrontation we saw in "Lemon Scented You" never happened that way in the book, and the closest thing to it in the book comes later. Shadow's little parasite from Mr. Wood wasn't in the book. Laura's entire story other than her death wasn't in the

What, Mr. Ibis?

It was a statement about the bloom of youth, come on.

It's not like this in the book. They decided that they wanted to tie Sweeney into Essie's story more closely instead of having it just be "a leprechaun." Once they decided that, then partway through filming the season they thought it would be great to demonstrate a spiritual connection between Essie and Laura by

1. This is one of those things that goes to the heart of how art is subjective. I can't begin to imagine how one could see Hannibal as unemotional or not living in emotion, when for me that is the entire narrative fabric of the show. I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong or "doing it wrong," just that clearly the

I think it was likely original music for this episode. Worth trying again now that the library has hopefully had a chance to catch up, if @jen41:disqus suggestion about the soundtrack doesn't get you what you're looking for.

I think there's good reason to expect future seasons will be ten episodes.

Yeah, I so loved our little sojourns with Jacquel and Ibis this ep. I hope we keep seeing them.


The mere presence of the ice cream truck was very reminiscent of that show.

Honestly, I didn't like episode 6, whose title I've already forgotten, and there were specific sequences in the premiere I thought didn't work, but other than that I've really enjoyed how the show just kind of lets you dwell in a situation, idea, or character for an episode or even less without apology. In its way

Strangely, I've been enjoying the reviews from What the Flick?!, which I normally find pretty boring. They're a YouTube channel as well, maybe look into them.

I can think of reasons why it needed to come now, but I'm not sure it's fair to go into them at this point. It's sort of a gray area spoiler wise. Especially since I really can't be sure how else they're reworking the plot (several things have already changed dramatically).

The accent was INCREDIBLE. I think she even made Schreiber's accent better just by osmosis.

I agree. I feel like later when the show is all done, we'll all go back and binge the whole thing and it'll feel totally different.

A different review I read said that this episode, with all its ups and downs and good and bad and passage of time, really gives you a feeling of life lived. I think Essie's story has always contained that in the book, but the show really breathed more life into that feeling.

I think she definitely does, but I guess we'll just see.

I fully expect to see more of her next season, given how much Fuller and Green seem to love Yetide Badaki and her work. Both of them seem to be the type who will always find a way to use an actor they believe in, based on their track records. I think, though my memory is fuzzy, that a panel I watched also suggested

Yeah, this connection would have made no sense in the book because Laura and Sweeney have no relationship in it.

I've always found Essie's end incredibly moving in the novel, and was so glad to see it faithfully portrayed and even deepened here. Partway through the episode, they'd changed enough things that I started to worry that we might not get that scene, so I was doubly happy to see it.