
No, that was definitely deliberate, from basically the moment they drove into town.

Vulcan is blatantly racist to him and pulls a gun. It wasn't at all clear to me that Shadow was safe, and would have been less so to Shadow.

Combination of both. They were originally going for ten, and due to both expenses and stitching two episodes into one because some things weren't working, they ended up at eight.

Sure has, but aside from giving her a few new faces, all of whom predate the book, I haven't seen any significant changes to the concept of the character. A couple of lines about little screens and big screens, but it's not on the scale of what they've done with the others.

2. No! I thought Salim seemed really happy, in a tremulous sort of way. He's never going to be one for broad smiles; I think he's very quiet and retiring by nature, which is one reason being a salesman suited him so poorly. He says in the episode that he's looking for the djinn because "I knew him. We knew each other.

He had one with the LA Times that similarly was like, wow, so you're just like this, huh

Plus he got the sword out of it!

It suddenly got several orders of magnitude funnier, knowing that.

Yeah that's starting to get to me too. And I'm normally all for cursing, but I think it's getting in Shadow's way particularly.

I thought that music was all about the fact that Shadow was in danger of being executed any second.

Already fixed, thanks/sorry.

I felt that impatience for the first time this episode too. I think my main problem is that I couldn't figure out what it was Laura was trying to do by dragging everybody to Indiana and so things felt aimless. Thinking about it after the fact, I guess probably she's not as happy to see the back of her family as she

Yeah, all the choices related to updating have been really A+ in my book. Technical Boy, Mr. World, and now Vulcan (who is a new addition but at the suggestion of Gaiman, apparently) have all been really solidly conceptualized.

Yeah, I'm more curious about Vulcan.

It's the kind of thing unions used to be able to protect more people from. In some ways, that this can happen is another sign of Mr. World's power.

Yeah, normally I really try to avoid this kind of "but what are the RULES" thing because it's usually not really important. And I'm not like, annoyed about it, just ruminating. I think it's because I've read the book so many times and so I'm used to feeling like I know how things work on the show, haha. Serves me

Or the opening of The Matrix, either way

And a nice commentary on actual labor practices!

I was thinking about that, but since the name Vulcan is on every bullet…? Like, there definitely has to be Mexican Jesus, and presumably whatever comes after this is still Jesus, but is there continuity? Does this Mexican Jesus have the memories of previous Mexican Jesuses? I would think yes, right, based on the fact

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