God, even the cut they aired is still my number one NOPE.
God, even the cut they aired is still my number one NOPE.
One of my friends taught in Korea for a couple of years and had a great time, fwiw.
You get a No-Prize.
"But it's hard for me to think of them as therapy"
Oh, honey. Held together by jizz, broken dreams, and a looooot of blood.
Well, we know Jack intercepted his outgoing letter to Will. I have no idea what his policy is on this sort of thing more generally, but that has to mean someone is at least monitoring the correspondence, even if it's not opened.
I misread this as "horse full of soup" and honestly found it completely plausible.
It has been all season and I for one am outraged.
Not to disrupt the jokes, but I don't think it was so much that he'd had no idea of this fact as that he needed someone else to say it out loud.
I mean, he did draw the two of them in his special fanart of Primavera.
High five.
Shish taouq from my favorite place.
Also, she is always having a good time.
Oh, man, go find it though. The cold open was A LOT TO TAKE IN.
Jack has always been arrogant and…I'm struggling for the word. Not power-hungry, but so assured of his own power that he is baffled and insulted by dissent. He has also always been ruthless and attracted to expedient rather than considerate solutions. I think probably losing Bella has only sharpened all of that in him…
I dunno how innocent I'd consider Chilton. Think about what his meddling with Gideon led to.
I mean, he's not actually really there for therapy. He's there so he and Bedelia can speak frankly in private under the protection of doctor-patient privilege.
But neither of them are in the control. “The Number Of The Beast Is 666” all comes down to what Alana tells Will and Jack: They have been under the delusion before that they are under control, but Hannibal remains the only one who is under control.
Yeah, I think when place names develop more indigenously or at least with less wholesale replacement in a relatively short space of time, you get way more variation. Even when the meanings might be the same, dialect and time will mean the names will still be different. Colonialism!