
Oh boy.

So, I was maybe 13 or 14 at the time, in art class, and we were learning how to do this woodblock print-style thing. I was a HUGE insect geek at the time so of course my motive of choice was a big beetle, and while I was carving it out our assistant teacher came over to look at what I was doing.

Now, I probably

Okay, so now it's... light blue and brown-ish? MY BRAIN

I'd love to see the goofy grin from the "before" picture in the "after" as well, because there's really few things less sexy than that part spooked, part preoccupied blank stare all underwear models apparently have to have

I remember getting to the part where Carla's looking through a bunch of old files in the police station basement (I think?) and you have to move shelves and find light switches while CONTROLLING HER BREATHING via the shoulder buttons because she's apparently claustrophobic and at some point I just gave up literally

"Everybody ELSE, though: please keep talking about us as much as possible"

"You stupid bitch! It's Pinot Giorgio!"

I'm going to start responding to everything with this, no matter the context.

I'll be honest, the fact that it was a monk doing the walking made me fear some bullshit "time is an illusion and also, are not all places truly the same place?" answer.

As a gay man with an extremely limited experience with vaginas: I feel like we should be seeing at least some part of hers in that picture! Do I need a biology lesson, or did they just photoshop out anything TOO naughty? Where does the vagina actually START?

Katie Tiedrich is the master of taking a not-very-good joke that I only half understand anyway and still making it the funniest thing ever just by drawing a funny face or two