
Is that you, Leonard Pierce?

Is that you, Leonard Pierce?

It's like waiting for the ICBMs to fall. You know they're coming, but you're not quite sure what'll happen when they do.

It's like waiting for the ICBMs to fall. You know they're coming, but you're not quite sure what'll happen when they do.

That's a hell of a confession.

That's a hell of a confession.

I figure that, at some point, the powers that be will pull the plug on this party, so I'll get this out while I can: YOU'RE ALL AWESOME!!!

I figure that, at some point, the powers that be will pull the plug on this party, so I'll get this out while I can: YOU'RE ALL AWESOME!!!



And that concludes our intensive three-week course.

All neon colors and hot pink.

District 9: "Wow! A sci-fi movie about class structure, and it's really good!"
Elysium: "Oh, another sci-fi movie about class structure, and it's kinda boring."
Chappie: "A movie about a rapping robot. What the fuck?"

Oddly enough, that's the same thing I don't share with my wife, but for more selfish reasons. She loves nerdy stuff, but I want the Arrowverse to be my own little secret.

Long time lurker, part-time poster. I probably won't stray to far out of Reasonable Discussions, but who knows? Anyway….

That's usually the best way to end most political debates.

That's usually the best way to end most political debates.

Well said!

Well said!

Design For Dreaming, hands down. "And then Tommy Tune arrived!"