That’s a fair take. It is certainly easier to drop in and out of Bebop, even if I enjoy Champloo overall more. As Jhelter said, though, they are so different that I can appreciate them on their own merits.
That’s a fair take. It is certainly easier to drop in and out of Bebop, even if I enjoy Champloo overall more. As Jhelter said, though, they are so different that I can appreciate them on their own merits.
Agreed on all fronts, and to clarify to anyone reading: I acknowledge my opinion as such, an opinion. Like what you like. You really can’t go wrong either way.
Surprised a sports series wasn’t included, especially with their popularity. I’m not big on the genre, but Haikyuu hooked me.
More importantly, I think the original series is a better fit for the question:
The Bebop vs Champloo argument often comes down to this quibble right here: do you care about what’s going on or not?
Nara is still my favorite place on Earth, which still surprises me to this day. I only spent one afternoon there but it sits with me anytime I feel serenity in my life here in the States. If I could live there, I would.
Bayonetta has left the chat.
Ah yes. My favorite guest star moment from Today Ms. Frizzle and Kids Learn About Terrorism.
Agreed, though I think there is something to be said about that historical landscape in the metatextual “modern” setting. It allowed for parallel narrative allegories between the dual settings of the games and the engagement in history by the audience for said games. They didn’t always nail it, if ever, but I…
destroyed by a group of herbs who you could easily confuse for chicken stock.
Closest comparison is unemployment insurance, which is funded by employers in the event of layoffs that occur through no fault of the worker(s) in question. I received such benefits back in the day, though I am unsure how that will work with the scale of job losses right now and the nature of some roles with varied…
Yeah she seems to be Nicki redux with less of the drama (tweeting issues aside) so I can see her doing well. Will be interesting if she stays in her particular lane of hip-hop, especially with the shadow of Cardi, or diversifies her lyricism. She’s fun but pretty one-note content-wise from what I’ve heard.
I don't know which I hated more: the Chimera Ant Arc, or all the diehard defenders of it.
But it’s not a different system. It’s the exact same phone that the original purchasers are using. The platform hasn’t changed; only the publisher has. No one here is debating that you should be entitled to the game on every platform if you bought it once.
It’s interesting, seeing the difference between Luke’s take on this and Cinemablend’s stance on the Tom And Jerry disclaimer linked at the end of this article. They seem to think that it’s insulting to their audience to clarify the company’s stance on the problematic material in the show? I don’t understand what their…
Yeah you and Super fans seem to be the target market, I rewatched DB/Z recently. Budokai 3 and Legacy of Goku were my jam back in the day. Hope you enjoy.
I’m always confused on this community’s consensus on reviews and Metacritic. I thought numbered scores on an experiential product was too commodifying? Maybe that’s just the writers of the site.
Yeah the lack of a real review has been confusing recently, especially with such a big title. I know these are supposed to be previews, but I don’t get why they’re indicting it so early on.
Totally hear you, and in a way I agree. There’s value in endorsing content that breaks from the rote norms of the market (did that with Kingdom Hearts 3 myself, despite being lost in that series). I just didn’t think my little brother should drop $60 on a “decent” game when his backlog is almost as bad mine haha